7 Latest Minimalist Guest Chair Designs 2022
Having a minimalist residence means you need to look for furniture with a minimalist size. Even though it's not big, in fact there are many minimalist guest chair designs that...
Having a minimalist residence means you need to look for furniture with a minimalist size. Even though it's not big, in fact there are many minimalist guest chair designs that...
Saat menulis atau mengetik, sebaiknya duduk dengan posisi yang benar. Sebab, posisi duduk yang salah dapat mengakibatkan berbagai dampak kesehatan, salah satunya pegal-pegal dan meningkatkan stres. Lalu, bagaimana posisi duduk...
Perintah untuk duduk tegak rasanya selalu terdengar. Kata-kata ini khususnya keluar dari mulut orang tua saat melihat Anda mulai duduk membungkuk. Memangnya ada apa dengan cara duduk bungkuk? Mengapa juga...
Duduk merupakan salah satu aktivitas yang paling sering dilakukan sehari-hari. Namun tahukah Anda, bahwa terdapat macam-macam posisi duduk yang mungkin sering dilakukan, tetapi Anda tidak mengetahui nama posisi tersebut. Apa...
Pernahkah Anda merasa nyeri pada bagian leher akibat terlalu lama membaca? Masalah tersebut bukan hanya hadir dari durasi yang panjang, melainkan kesalahan pada posisi duduk saat membaca. Posisi membaca sambil...
Current work chairs are designed with ergonomic features, namely the parts of the chair are specifically designed to increase work comfort and productivity. Starting from the armrests, backrests, comfortable seat...
Lounge chairs are one of the pieces of furniture that you must have at home. The reason is, this chair can be a place to rest after a tiring day...
Munculnya pandemi membuat seluruh aktivitas harus dilakukan dari rumah. Namun sudah dua tahun berlalu, pasti ada waktu-waktu saat Anda maupun anak merasa bosan serta tidak lagi bersemangat untuk beraktivitas. Tetapi...
Every company needs an office desk to support the productivity of each employee while working. There are many functions of an office desk, one of which is being able to...
Work spaces in offices began to change their furniture after realizing the benefits of ergonomics through their furniture. Ergonomics is still unfamiliar to the public, so furniture is not widely...
With so many types of office chairs on the market today, everyone will definitely find a function for the office chair that suits their individual tastes and preferences. In this...
Children also need comfortable study chairs so that their online school activities are more efficient. In addition, children's body posture is influenced by their sitting position, especially when studying. As...
Have you ever felt discomfort in your lower back after sitting for a long time? If the answer to this question is yes, then you are experiencing low back pain...
Young professionals in Indonesia currently tend to complain of low back pain. Sitting too long and facing a computer screen is one of the causes. Unfortunately, quite a few people...
You already know how important it is to use an ergonomic chair when working, right? Using an ergonomic chair can help increase productivity and comfort while working. Looking for the...
Working in the right sitting position will make you more productive, while keeping your body healthy. If the chair used does not have the right features, it is very likely...