11 Good and Comfortable Sofa Materials for You to Use
There are several things you need to pay attention to when choosing home furniture. Starting from choosing the right sofa with the concept of the house, to good sofa materials....
There are several things you need to pay attention to when choosing home furniture. Starting from choosing the right sofa with the concept of the house, to good sofa materials....
Hanging ornamental plants can be an interesting additional element to your room design. Apart from creating a more beautiful and shady atmosphere, the presence of green plants in the room...
A mini bar is basically a special place in your house that you can use to relax. Here, you can relax alone or chat with friends and family. As the...
Desain Dapur Minimalis dengan Mini Bar yang Menarik Kehadiran mini bar di rumah pasti dapat menambah kenyamanan aktivitas Anda. Namun, bagaimana jika area interior di rumah Anda cenderung terbatas? Tenang...
What are interior design goals? Interior design can influence the atmosphere and all your activities when you are indoors. As we know, humans spend a lot of time indoors. Without...
One term in the world of design that has become increasingly popular over time is interior design. Often compared to architects, what exactly is interior design? Usually, you will hear...
Ada kerja keras banyak orang di balik sebuah bangunan yang indah. Hasil menakjubkan tersebut merupakan hasil pemikiran arsitek dan desain interior. Kedua profesi ini saling bekerja sama untuk merancang bangunan...
To overcome limited space in the house, there are many things you can do. Starting from removing partitions between rooms, using minimalist interior design, or what is rarely considered, building...
Are you getting bored with the same old bedroom walls? There's no harm in experimenting with using two-tone geometric wall paint which is currently trending. Not only does it give...
Dari banyaknya pilihan tempat tinggal yang ada, apartemen 2 kamar sering menjadi pilihan utama bagi para generasi muda, khususnya bagi mereka yang memiliki gaya hidup modern, praktis, dan mencari hunian...
As a parent, of course you want to create a comfortable bed for your children. This can be done by choosing a child's bed model that is unique and comfortable....
Bagaimana desain kamar tidur impian Anda? Bergaya Jepang, Scandinavian, vintage, atau Anda suka yang sederhana dan minimalis? Apa pun desain kamar tidur impian Anda, pastikan Anda memilih desain tempat tidur...
Bagi yang memiliki dua anak atau lebih, Anda tentu perlu berpikir lebih keras untuk mempersiapkan kamar mereka. Atau mungkin Anda berencana mendirikan penginapan, maka persiapan kamar perlu menjadi perhatian utama....
Children's bed designs cannot be haphazard. The reason is, children have their own character, so the room where they spend their sleep must be able to make them comfortable. Therefore,...
Permasalahan ruang sempit terkadang menjadi kendala bagi beberapa orang untuk mendesain ruangan impian mereka. Salah satunya adalah penempatan tempat tidur yang biasanya sudah memakan cukup banyak ruang di dalam kamar....
The bedroom is a room that must provide comfort after you have had busy days outside. Designing your room in such a way that it becomes what you want will...