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6 Recommendations For a Modern and Aesthetic Minimalist Work Desk

A minimalist work desk is one of the furniture items that greatly interest the public. The design is simple, and the size does not take up space, so it is suitable to be placed in a small room. In addition, some work desk models are equipped with additions such as shelves and drawers.

Currently, there are many minimalist work desk choices on the market. This minimalist work desk might need to be clarified when making a choice. Don't worry; we will help you choose a minimalist work desk and recommendations.

Check out the full review below!

The advantages of a minimalist work desk

What makes minimalist work desks so popular with the public? Apart from its simple but modern design, this type of work desk is also generally equipped with functional features so that users are not easily distracted, affecting productivity.

Meanwhile, in terms of materials used, workbenches are divided into several, including:

-              Minimalist wooden work desk

-              Minimalist work desk with iron frame

-              HPL minimalist work desk

-              Minimalist work desk set of chairs

-              Folding minimalist work desk

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How to choose a minimalist work desk

Minimalist work desks are made from various materials. These materials might make you even more confused about making the right choice. For this reason, we will provide several points to consider before buying a minimalist work desk.

The following include:

1. Determine the room design

First, determine the room design where you want to place a minimalist work desk. That way, you can choose which work desk best suits your room needs.

If you want to make your bedroom a workspace, it is recommended that you choose a compact work desk. However, if the workspace you choose is its room and has a separate function from other rooms, you can select a work desk equipped with drawers.

For offices, choose a work desk that is the ideal size and has good strength and durability because many items will be placed on the table, such as documents, computers, printers, scanners, and others.

2. Pay attention to the size of the table

If you have few items in your work area, a minimalist work desk measuring 120 cm is enough. Apart from that, look for a table with a standard height of 72 – 76 cm. However, for those of you who choose to use an electric work desk or standing desk, selecting a table whose height can be adjusted to 121 cm is recommended.

3. Pay attention to the material

Choose a table with materials that suit your needs. Don't just buy it because it's cheap without considering the pluses and minuses.

For those of you who prefer a warm and natural room, a minimalist work desk made from wood could be an option. Meanwhile, you should choose iron table material for those who prefer a modern room design.

Meanwhile, a minimalist work desk made from plastic could be the solution for those who move places more often. Apart from being light and having attractive colour choices, maintaining a plastic table is also very easy.

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Recommendations for the best minimalist work desk

Next, we will discuss recommendations for the best minimalist work desks. The work desks we recommend have ergonomic features designed to meet the needs of every worker.

This ergonomic feature can adjust the user's comfort because the height of the table can be changed via the control panel. The adjustable table height allows the user to choose their way of working, thus reducing the burden during work.

Here are recommendations for the best minimalist work desks for better work quality.

1. Nelson Adjustable Desk

NELSON Adjustable Desk

This minimalist work desk comes in two neutral colours: black and white. The primary material is HPL, with a load capacity of 25 kg. This ergonomic work desk is equipped with a table height adjustment lever.

Just pull the lever, and then you can determine the height and low of the table according to your needs. The maximum height of this table is 103 cm, so it is suitable for those of you who are under 150 cm tall.

This work desk is priced at IDR 1,710,000.

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2. Wesley Ergonomic Desk 

Next is a work desk that carries the concept of Japandi Style. With a wooden motif on the tabletop, this table is the answer for those who like a minimalist style—equipped with a one-handed control panel which adjusts the table's height as desired.

Whether you work sitting or standing, you can make it happen with this minimalist work desk. Its very modern appearance will make your room look aesthetic.

Are you interested in buying it? You can get this table for IDR 3,500,000.

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3. Amby Adjustable Desk (120 x 60 cm)

This minimalist work desk is equipped with a touchscreen control panel. You can adjust the height and low of the table whenever you want. If it hurts to work while sitting, you can try working while standing, and vice versa.

Create an ideal work environment with this desk. It has a 120 x 60 cm width with a maximum load capacity of 80 kg. The complete aluminium material on the table legs makes this table look very sturdy.

Regarding price, this minimalist work desk is priced at IDR 4,702,500.

Get more info here!

4. Warren Ergonomic Desk

Need a more extensive table? This table is the solution. Two top and bottom work tables allow you to place more items, such as gadgets, printers or scanners.

The top of the table has dimensions of 118 x 30 cm, while the bottom has dimensions of 118 x 40 cm. This table can also be adjusted in height with a sophisticated control panel feature.

If you want to buy it, this table is priced at IDR 5,635,875.

Get more discount here!

5. Kelly Ergonomic Desk 

This chair is the work desk that everyone dreams of. Equipped with super complete features, you get a table with large capacity drawers and an ergonomic work table that can be adjusted to the height according to your needs.

Apart from that, there is a charging port for USB type A and USB type C. A safety lock will keep the table stable and sturdy even if the height has been adjusted.

Do you have a lot of items you want to keep on the table? Don't worry; this table can support loads of up to 100 kg. Of course, this is the minimalist work desk you have been dreaming of all this time.

Get this table for IDR 6,134,625.  Buy now and get your best price here!

6. Amby Ergonomic Desk (160 x 80 cm)

The same as the Amby type above, only this table has a broader size, namely 160 x 80 cm, with a maximum height that can be adjusted to 121 cm. With this table, you can store more items supporting your work.

Interestingly, this table's up and down operation can also be adjusted through a cellphone screen by downloading the supporting application available on IOS and Android smartphones. As for the price, this table is priced at IDR 8,400,000. 

Buy here now and get more discount!

That explains why you should choose an minimalist work desk and recommendations. Using an ergonomic work desk will support productivity during work.

You can buy various workbench models above through Pexio. Coming with a simple and flexible design, work equipment from Pexio can be used for work needs in the office or at home.

That is an explanation of a minimalist work desk. Of the many choices above, which work desk is your target?


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