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4 Types of Office Interiors that You Must Have

Here are the types of office interiors that you need to know because you will spend between 21-35% of your life in your workplace or office.

As a business owner or manager, ask yourself. What kind of office would you like to spend more than a fifth of your life in? What kind of interior do you want so that your employees feel comfortable and can work better? Having the right office interior furniture is a great way to build a work environment that makes someone happy to spend most of their life there. Also read: 10 reasons why ergonomic chairs are very important in the office. Before discussing further the various office interiors and types of designs, first know what the definition of office interior is.

Understanding Office Interiors

Pengertian Interior Kantor Office interiors are all types of elements (items) that function to decorate the office space, to create a room that is comfortable, pleasing to the eye, harmonious and makes the heart happy. In the end, the office interior makes you enthusiastic to complete the work.

Various types of office interiors that you must have

The following are various office interiors that your office must have:

1. Work Chair

Interior Kantor Kursi Kerja Getting the right chair in your office is very important. You will spend a lot of time here. If your chair is uncomfortable, you will not be able to work efficiently. Look for an ergonomic chair. Apart from that, this chair also needs to have the right level of comfort. This is so you don't end up sleeping in it while working. Having an ergonomic and comfortable work chair is an obligation for an office. A person spends most of his time in his work chair while in the office. If the chairs in your office are uncomfortable, the performance of the people in the office will definitely decline. Therefore, to get an ergonomic and comfortable work chair, you can look at this choice of ergonomic work chairs from PEXIO. Also read: These are various sitting positions that people rarely know about!

2. Work desk and meeting table

Meja Kerja dan Meja Rapat All your work will be done at your desk. You have to choose the perfect work desk for your office. The ideal work desk is usually a table that can be adjusted in height. You can choose any table you want. However, you should consider the comfort, size, and design. Your office desk should have enough space for you to work well. It's very frustrating if you have to work in a messy environment. So, make sure the office desk you choose is the right size, like this individual work desk option from Pexio. Apart from individual desks as above, your office also needs a large desk that can be used by many people at once. A table like this can be used for brainstorming or internal meetings, as well as meetings with clients. Also Read: 7 Types of Office Chairs and Their Functions

3. Storage Unit

Unit Penyimpanan Interior Kantor You always need storage space in the office. Whether it's for important files, paper, or stationery. However, Make sure your storage unit does not occupy much space in your office. Strategic placement of objects is key to making your office look more professional and attractive. You can buy different types of storage units such as bookcases or extendable drawer shelves, etc. Anything that suits your office style and doesn't take up too much area in your office is a great choice.

4. Chairs and Guest Table

Kursi dan Meja Tamu When you have visitors in the office, you need to arrange proper seating to accommodate these guests. What you can do is choose a comfortable lounge chair or sofa if you want to be casual. However, if you have enough space, choosing a sofa like an ottoman is the right choice. Placing a coffee table on the edge of the sofa or in the middle of a lounge chair is also a good choice, your guests may bring drinks or food and need to store them on the table. Also read: 7 Great Ergonomic Benefits for Work Space Furniture

Types of Office Interior Design

After understanding what office interior is and its various types, here are several types of office interior design that you also need to know. So, what types of office interior designs can you use as inspiration for your office space?

1. Minimalist Office Interior Design

Desain Interior Kantor Minimalis Maximum use of space makes minimalist office interior design very effective. Very suitable for the small office space you have. The shelves and work table in this interior design are attached to the wall. You can place important files or documents on the shelf, making it seem neater and creating a comfortable atmosphere. In this minimalist design, you can place two light bulbs that provide a contrasting color on the brown walls. You can also choose an ergonomic minimalist work chair model to provide comfort and productivity while you work. Also read: This is the Correct and Healthy Sitting Position and Attitude

2. Homey Office Interior Design

Desain Kantor Homey As the name suggests, this office design wants to make you work as if you were working from home. A homey office interior is the perfect design for those of you who want a working situation like at home. The bright color of the simple white walls is combined with the brown wooden floor, showing how this design combines the comfort of home and office. The work desk for this design can be used by two people, the effect is to increase cooperation (collaboration) to achieve work goals. Even if it's just the two of you, for those of you who enjoy coffee or tea, the table still has space to place a cup of coffee or even a night light. Another interesting thing, there are two wall hanging shelves that can accommodate small ornamental plants and several trophies. Also read: 4 Functions of Office Interiors that are Rarely Known

3. Industrial Office Interior Design

Desain Kantor Industri The industrial office interior design concept is very suitable for those of you who have a rustic work space (many inspired by nature). You can place a large window on one side of a brick wall. Apart from that, you can combine the 2 long tables in this design in the middle of the room. There are shelves mounted on the wall to hold books and documents with a desk and ergonomic office chairs underneath, for at least five people. The characteristic of this design is that it has a high ceiling and is very suitable for hanging copper-colored lights.

4. Bohemian Office Interior Design

Desain Interior Kantor Bohemian Bohemian or Boho style is a very eye-catching decoration style. For those of you who want an office filled with various attractive lines and colors so that it will impress those who see it, bohemian interior design is worth considering. This bohemian style interior design has become a good choice of office interior design to liven up the atmosphere, enthusiasm and attention because of its uniqueness. Bohemian design is a popular design and is a characteristic of the Gypsy people. Gypsies are people who don't like to stay in one place for a long time. Also read: 6 Ways to Arrange Your Work Desk in the Office to Make It Look More Presentable

5. Contemporary Office Interior Design

Desain Interior Kantor Kontemporer Contemporary design options for offices have become a trend these days. Contemporary office interior design focuses on rounded lines with soft furniture pieces. A characteristic of contemporary office interior design is using only one color. The colors chosen are neutral colors such as gray or cream, or monochrome such as black and white. One thing you need to pay attention to when implementing contemporary interior design is lighting, because this can strengthen existing interior design elements. So that the focal point in this design can look more attractive.

6. Funky Office Interior Design

Desain Interior Kantor Funky The next office interior design concept is funky. Funky office interiors can encourage people to work effectively. A PVC (PolyVinyl Chloride) table is placed in the center along with a comfortable orange ergonomic work chair. There are two bulb-shaped hanging lights made from thin bamboo. Apart from that, there are two bulb-shaped hanging lamps made of thin bamboo with built-in lights on the ceiling. The walls on one side of the room have a black background with colorful circles filled with representations of modern art, making it stand out from the rest of the design. Also read: Standard Sizes of Ideal Work Desks and Chairs

7. Victorian Office Interior Design

Desain Interior Kantor Victoria The next interior design is a concept that adopts the typical style of the British Empire. Even though it is not as popular as other office interior designs, this design has its own artistic value and uniqueness. This interior highlights the room with good lighting coming from lamps or candles. To maximize this interior design, the colors you can apply are dark red, dark green and gold. Add a carpet on the floor to create an elegant and luxurious impression in the office room

8. IT Office Interior Design

Desain Interior Kantor IT The last office interior design concept is the IT office interior. This is a perfect example of office space interior design, especially for digital (IT) based companies, which have many employees. The concept is simple, your office space will have white walls with large glass windows to maintain air flow and sufficient lighting. An interesting thing is on the table. The partition in between can accommodate two people on either side of the table. Apart from that, a comfortable work chair that has wheels will make work easier because employees can communicate more freely. Also read: 7 Recommendations for the Best Work Chairs that are Safe for the Body


Those are the types of interior furniture that must be in your office. If you are looking for ergonomic furniture, especially an ergonomic chair, for your office or home, Pexio is the right choice. Visit our website here for more information.


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