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5 Symptoms of Low Back Pain that You Should Know

Low back pain or the pain felt when having to sit for a long period of time has probably been felt by anyone. However, if this continues to happen, you should be alert. Recognize the various symptoms of low back pain.

The symptoms of this condition can differ depending on what type of low back pain you experience. A person can feel severe pain, making it difficult for them to carry out activities. Some people may only feel sore muscles. So that you don't make the wrong conclusion and determine the right steps, let's get to know what symptoms you will experience in low back pain. Read the information to understand this health condition.

Is Low Back Pain Dangerous?

Apakah Penyakit Low Back Pain Berbahaya The question that immediately arises when you experience pain in your lower back is "is this condition dangerous?". One thing you need to know, anyone can experience low back pain. This condition is not always serious, and can heal on its own. However, sometimes this condition can be a sign that something is wrong with your body. The lower back is where the spine connects to the pelvis. This part supports the weight of the upper body. This part has to withstand a lot of movement and pressure, making it susceptible to injury. So, is low back pain dangerous? To know for sure, let's get to know some of the symptoms that occur when you experience this health condition. To understand the types and causes of low back pain, please open the following link "What is Low Back Pain? Types, Causes and How to Prevent It".

Symptoms of Low Back Pain or Lower Back Pain

Apa Gejala Low Back Pain Identifying symptoms that indicate the cause of the pain is the first step to recognizing what condition you are experiencing and how severe it is. The following are some of the symptoms experienced in low back pain.

1. Pain that comes slowly

Rasa Nyeri yang Datang Secara Perlahan merupakan Gejala Nyeri Punggung Bawah Compared to sharp pain sensations, some people more often experience pain that comes on slowly. Not only that, they also feel muscle spasms, difficulty moving, and pain in the waist and pelvis.

2. Stiffness

Gelaja Low Back Pain Rasa Kaku If you feel low back pain after sitting for a long time, you must have difficulty straightening your posture. The process of returning to a comfortable posture will feel very stiff and may be painful. Also read: What is the ergonomic sitting position that makes you comfortable when working?

3. Pain in the buttocks, legs and soles

Rasa Sakit Pada Bokong, Kaki, dan Telapak Kaki Some people also experience sharp pain that then spreads to the lower body such as the buttocks and legs. This condition could indicate that you suffer from sciatica, pain that attacks the sciatic nerve. This condition is usually only experienced on one side of the body.

4. Pain when sitting

Rasa Sakit Ketika Duduk Sitting for too long can also cause other things besides stiffness. The body being in an incorrect position for a long period of time can damage the discs in the spine. The disc will be pushed out of its normal shape, causing pain. When you stand up to relax your body, the pain can disappear. However, it usually returns after returning to a sitting position. If left for too long, you can experience a herniated disc.

5. Pain when waking up in the lower body

Rasa Sakit Ketika Bangun Tidur Pada Tubuh Bagian Bawah Some other people also feel sharp pain when they have to get out of bed. Usually this happens because blood flow is not smooth after being in the same position for a long period of time. This incident can also occur when you sit and lean on your lower back to maintain body posture. Blood flow in this area also does not become smooth, causing muscle spasms, resulting in pain. Also read: 5 Characteristics of a Chair that is Comfortable for Sitting for a Long Time

How to Prevent Low Back Pain

After recognizing the various symptoms, you must always be alert. If you have low back pain, it will really hurt your body because the pain will get worse after lifting heavy objects. To help you protect your body from low back pain, there are several preventive steps you can take. Check out the following information.

1. Using Ergonomic Furniture

Gunakan Furniture Ergonomis untuk Cegah Low Back Pain When you are required to always be in a sitting position for a long period of time, then using ergonomic furniture is the best choice. Maximizing ergonomically designed furniture can reduce the risk of pain in the lower body. One recommendation for you is the sturdy and ergonomic Luxio work chair from PEXIO. Your hands will always be in a comfortable position with the 3D Adjustable Armrest. The lower back is no less comfortable with the Adjustable 2D Lumbar Cushion. To accompany this ergonomic chair, you can add Amby. This product is an ergonomic work desk with dimensions of 120 x 60 x 1.8 cm whose height can be adjusted automatically. Get the most comfortable position to work with these two ergonomic pieces of furniture. Also read: 10 Ergonomic Principles at Work and Their Functions

2. Take a break and do some stretching

Istirahat Sejenak dan Lakukan Stretching After sitting or being in the same position for a long period of time, it's a good idea to rest and do some simple stretching movements. Reflexifying the body's muscles is useful for avoiding pain after sitting and not moving for a long time.

3. Sleep in the correct position

Tidur Dengan Posisi yang Benar Low back pain doesn't just happen because of the wrong sitting position. When you sleep in an uncomfortable position, one part of your body is bound to suffer. Low back pain is one of them. Make sure you rest in a comfortable position to wake up refreshed and avoid low back pain. Also read: 6 Ways to Overcome Low Back Pain to Be Free from Back Pain

Prevent Low Back Pain with an Ergonomic Chair from PEXIO

These are some of the symptoms of low back pain that you should recognize. As mentioned previously, utilizing ergonomic furniture is a good solution. To find a variety of quality ergonomic chairs that can minimize the symptoms of low back pain, you can contact PEXIO directly. Find a variety of furniture that is ergonomically designed to reduce stress on your neck, waist and back. What are you waiting for? Call us right now! Gejala Low Back Pain - Ergonomic Chair PEXIO Sumber rujukan:



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